Membership will consist of officers and member of the UMYC. All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the UMYC will be deemed to accept these regulations and code of conduct that the UMYC has adopted.Members are defined as private berth holders who have joined the UMYC
Membership fees:
Membership fees will be set annually and ratified at the AGM.
The 2023 fee is £20 per Adult.
Membership Application:
Membership form is downloaded by clicking link here :
membership application issue 10 Oct 23
The Constitution is downloaded by clicking here Constitution for Universal Marina YC May 18
General Data Protection Regulation Policy – Issue 2: May 2018
Click here to download our policy GDPR issue 2
RYA Affiliation:
UMYC is affiliated the the RYA. This means that you may use any RYA affiliated Yacht Club in the UK on production of your membership card.